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Spirit-Filled Prayer Meeting
posted by: Seth on 2/12/2023

I worked with a ministry, ICM, from 2020-2021, but I left on bad terms. A powerful person poisoned the leadership against me and portrayed me in a horrible way. I would like to invite the employees from that ministry to a weekly Zoom prayer meeting to shower God’s blessing, goodness and love over the ministry. Pray it will build bridges, mend broken relationships, heal broken hearts. Pray for wisdom in making the invitation, wisdom in the timing, and that it will be well-received, and that many people, even my enemies, will attend and be blessed. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the prayer meeting, that God will lead and guide it, and for conviction, repentance, forgiveness, healing, purification to take place, for God to pour out the fruit of the Spirit and bring revival through the prayer times. Thanks.
I will pray 37 people are praying.
posted by: M. on 2/11/2023

Please pray that I will receive a deliverance miracle from extreme spiritual attacks including nightmares, noises in the home, seeing orbs, feeling invisible beings/snakes on me, hearing evil voices at night, not being able to sleep at night at times and that I will receive total healing. thank you
I will pray 35 people are praying.
Prayer for financial breakthrough
posted by: Angela on 2/4/2023

Please pray in agreement with me that my husband James and I would seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to us…That the Lord would supply all of our needs according to the riches of his glory in our savior Christ Jesus. That the blessings of the Lord would make us rich and add no sorrow. That we would have life and have it to the full…Pray that we are blessed going in and coming out. That we would be the head and not the tail above and not beneath. That we would lend and no borrow and that everything we touch would prosper. Pray that no weapon formed against us would prosper. Pray the Lord would help us to honor him with our wealth and remain humble with humility comes riches, honor and long life. That as we give it will be given unto us a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into our lap. Pray that the Lord Jesus would align all of our prayers and supplications according to his divine will and grant our hearts desires Pray the Lord would bless us with abundant prosperity and open the heavens of abundance and bless the work of our hands. That we would have a heart of mercy and charity. That we would be generous to the poor and trust the Lord Jesus for the outcome. That we would fully submit to the will of the Lord and be at peace with all he has destined for us to do in this life. Pray we would know our calling and use our gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God. Pray we fix our eyes on the Lord he is the source of our help. That we trust no man and believe no man and be delivered from all temptation. That we would hear the voice of the Lord and follow him only. Pray that we are not deceived that the Lords word would abide in us and we would bear much fruit. Pray that we would recover all the enemy has stolen 100 fold. Pray that the lord would supply our every need and enlarge our harvest that we are enriched in every way and able to be generous on every occasion. Oh Lord we beseech thee send now prosperity..In Jesus Name Amen
I will pray 21 people are praying.
Prayer for salvation and repentance
posted by: Angela on 1/19/2023

Please fervently pray that America Repents of: Homosexuality-. America and her government have allowed homosexuals to run this country and she must repent of this wickedness. Lesbianism-. America must repent of teaching homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. It is not. It is wicked and has provoked the judgment of God. Abortion-Satan has always launched an all-out attack against the unborn children in this country. He did it in Bible days and now America is allowing the same murdering, destroyer spirit to permeate this country. More children are killed in the womb of women than on the streets, by drugs or alcohol. The cries of these children are coming up before God and America will be judged for them. Pride of Wealth-America has exalted money. A spirit of mammon, materialism and idolatry rule here. America has on its money in God we trust and that is true, the only god they trust is money. The church has forgotten that gain is not godliness Witchcraft-America is guilty of blocking Christian ministers from airing on secular stations. They will not give preachers a national platform. The media will exalt their wealth but when a man of God gets blessed they want to cut him down God is going to judge the leaders and governmental officials for listening to devils and not standing up against the unrighteousness sweeping this land. Idolatrous Worship-We have opened the doors of this country to accept other idolatrous religions. Jesus Christ is the only God! Pray all caught in sin will repent and return to the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom before judgement falls on America. God has a problem with our continued unacknowledged and unrepentant sins. Repent and turn back to God and he will forgive and set you free! In Jesus Name Amen
I will pray 20 people are praying.
Prayer request
posted by: Ha-yeong Shin on 12/11/2022

Lord, directly reveal the work of God the Father to me, my people(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae), and to this ministry, and let us know that the Father is in the Son Jesus and that Jesus is in the Father. The will of the true God, who knows all our needs, transcends our personal will. I seek the glory of the only true God. Let Jesus Christ directly reveal the name of God the Father to all of us and see His glory. Also, as promised, please set us completely free from all slavery, and i also seek to become perfect one with God, so please put this into practice.
I will pray 20 people are praying.
pray for my brother
posted by: Lillian on 11/24/2022

Pray for my brother. Pray he gives his life to Christ and overcomes battles hes facing. Pray he comes to repentance of his sins. Pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Pray for our family
I will pray 19 people are praying.
prayer request
posted by: daniel cahill on 7/13/2022

Hi pastor and all my wonderful COGIC brothers and sister at!Praise the LORD! I am homeless yet saved at 75. Pray that God will sustain me, when you pray I'm not sad, have more love for the less fortunate, and at the end of the day, say GOD has provided in such a special and loving way today for me!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 7/13/22
I will pray 19 people are praying.
prayer request
posted by: daniel cahill on 7/9/2022

Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters Praise the LORD! Homeless yet saved at 75 in NYC for far too long when you pray for me I am not so sad I have more love for the less fortunate and at the end of the day i look back and say wow GOD carried me all day!GOD richly less you brother Danny 7/9/22
I will pray 20 people are praying.
Please pray for me
posted by: Matthew on 1/10/2022

Hi I am Matthew and I am a Christian and have been a Christian all of my life . And please pray for me to get closer to god and to find a local church to go to and please pray for all of my life problems and all of my health problems .
I will pray 18 people are praying.
Pray for my Colleague, Tony
posted by: Seth on 11/30/2021

Please pray for my colleague, Tony, who works with me in a Christian ministry. He is a very wise, godly man, a great asset to the ministry. However, there are power-hungry people trying to discredit him, his leadership, and the wisdom he has to offer. Those same people will destroy the ministry if they get their way. Please pray that the Lord will increase his stature. Pray that his words will be listened to, respected, believed and understood. Pray that the Lord will give him great wisdom, and his words will be as “speaking the oracles of God” (1 Pet 4:11). Pray that his words will have the anointing to bring powerful change and breakthrough, exposing the darkness, re-aligning us with the Lord’s will for this ministry, to the glory of the Lord. Thank you.
I will pray 25 people are praying.
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