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a prayer for change
posted by: Phyllis on 3/29/2021

please pray with me for change. I pray my God brings positive change in my life. I pray for a time for me to get paid for working. I pray for a time for me to be wanted and loved. I pray for a time for me to be praised and accepted. I pray for a time for me to have wealth and riches. I pray for long life. I thank God for the prayers of the Rightous. I thank God for his loving kindness and tender mercy and unmerited favor that he has shown to us.
I will pray 21 people are praying.
posted by: Essian on 3/3/2021

Hello I ask the prayer of faith that God opens the doors to work to train me to become excellent diligent. Got a call in business but have no education no money no connections. Everything is possible for God Thank you God bless you
I will pray 18 people are praying.
GOD please help me!
posted by: Daniel Cahill on 2/27/2021

Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at New Life Pentecostal COGIC church!Saved yet homeless at 74 sleeping under a highway bridge asking prayer for the biggest miracle the good LORD can spare!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 2/27/21
I will pray 11 people are praying.
Prayer Request
posted by: Phil Chavez on 2/6/2021

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie.
I will pray 7 people are praying.
posted by: Seth on 1/17/2021

Please pray for me. I’m feeling deeply fatigued and worn out. Please pray for physical renewal and strength. Pray for a second wind. Pray for mental clarity, healing and strength. Pray for emotional healing, and emotional strength. Pray for spiritual healing and renewal, and a joy and strength in the Lord. Pray that the Lord will heal me from head to toe, and heal every organ in my body. Pray that the Lord will give me the strength to fully bear all the responsibilities of my job and my calling, and do it well, in the strength of the Lord. Pray that I will soar on wings like eagles, that I will run and not grow weary, that I will walk and not be faint (Isa 40:31). Thank you and God bless you.
I will pray 8 people are praying.
Prayer for salvation and repentance
posted by: Angela on 1/5/2021

Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality,sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. Your word says in I Corinthians 6:9-11Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed and that you would bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins.Please forgive us Lord! We are all guilty! Give us hearts to know you that we might return to you. Jeremiah 24:7 says it so perfectly and we claim this promise: Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart. Help the President to act under the guidance of your Holy Spirit. You raise up our leaders and you take down, so help us to put our trust in you and not any person. You have this nation in your hands and are not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.We ask that you give President Trump,his family and administration the mind of Jesus Christ and fill them with your holy spirit. Let no weapon formed against them prosper. Surround him with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. We pray that corruption in our nation be exposed and your justice prevail. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen
I will pray 7 people are praying.
Settling Debt
posted by: Seth on 12/30/2020

I’ve been working with a lawyer to get my debts settled, so I can start with a clean slate again. I’ve added money into an account which they will use to settle the debts. When the US government sends the $2000 checks (if that happens) I would like to add it (minus my tithe). I think it will be enough. Please pray that my lawyer will be able to settle ALL my debts that money I put into it. Pray that the creditors will offer amazing deals. Pray for a clean slate for 2021. Thank you.
I will pray 5 people are praying.
prayer for Royce
posted by: Art Done on 10/24/2020

Special prayer for Sister Alyce and Sister Carr Healing in their bodies. Please add our brother Royce and his family, to your churches prayer. Prayer for Reverend Leighs Job and mean co-workers who keep mistreating her. Prayer for Franks father who is having heart problems. Prayer for his upcoming follow up appointment regarding healing in his upper right check. He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given hm. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the enemy against his family and friends. Prayer that the eyes of his understanding be open in Jesus Name. Prayer that every fruit of the spirit be in and a part of this brother s life, and he would be enriched with many gifts from God for ministry" .But most of all he needs a house a place to call his own in Jesus Name! Please also pray for Royce to be able to save and do what he needs to do as he enters into the winter of his life. Prayer for his upcoming ultra sound to rule out a lump in his upper right chest. Prayer for Minister Taylor and her family traveling this week to Arizona. Prayer for Reverend Leigh's jobs and coworkers who are doing malicious acts against her, she needs God's favor and strength. prayer for Sister Jeanne's boss who is after her and not fair, she need's God's favor. Prayer for Sister Danicka Who Is Going Back To School. Prayer for Wholeness for Royce Jr, Ayesha, Chelsea, Alexa, Jiesharae all would be saved. Prayer for Kenneth Jr to be saved. Prayer for Sister Lavonnis operation on October 29th healing and favor. Prayer for Sister Carr Healing in Her body. Prayer for Deacon Bo healing. Pastor asks that we please pray for the following: The men and women in prison for strength and growth The homeless and addicted to be set free Prayer for all my children deliverance and salvation and all to be in Church Prayer for live oak pastor Ron and the leadership Prayer for ecclesia leaders Prayer for Deacon Bo Prayer for all members and their families Prayer for the expansion of zoom prayer meetings and bible study Prayer for us to win souls and want to win more souls Prayer for Anthony Snow, Dr Ted, Tim Dampier, Tony Wheat, Byron Scherf, Vance Bartley Prayer for Kenneth Jr to be delivered in Jesus Name. Prayer For Riri healing in her body! Prayer for protection for those who are going in and out of buildings Prayer for minister Taylor Rev Judy Rev Leigh Deacon Bo, sister Danicka, sister Edna, Sister Alyce, brother Termaine brother Malachi, Sister Louvonia Sister Jeanne, and all members of ecclesia Prayer for Pastor Livingston Prayer For Rev Benson Prayer For Rev Reaves Prayer for Marlon Prayer Prayze Prayer for Aaron Prayer for the Radfords Prayer for sister Gloria and her family Prayer for all members of both churches to invest in their own cars so we can serve more people. Prayer for ecclesia to save money and build its outreach benevolence funds during this pandemic. Prayer for Live Oak and all churches to grow in grace and knowledge. Prayer for Demetra who is working and in school. Prayer for Lewis Harris peace. Prayer for Pauline West and family protection. Prayer for Jonita Pastor Ron, Janice and Pastor Donald, Gods hand to be upon them and their families. Prayer for Rev James Young healing. Prayer for Rev Bellin peace. Prayer for pastor Lewis favor. Prayer for Angels Mathis healing. Pray for those who have been devastated by COVID 19, those who have lost loved ones, those who have lost job, those who have lost housing, those who are struggling to recover Salvation, deliverance and healing for all my family members, pray that those who profess Christ desire a closer walk with Jesus, pray God touches their hearts and that they respond to the love of Christ. Pray deliverance for Kenny Jr. Pray peace and covering for Mary, Marvin, Gabriel, and Laverne Pray for marriages to be strengthened Healing and comfort for Sis. Danicka’s mom, Rev. Leigh’s mom, Bro. Termaine’s mom, Sis. Jeanne’s mom and Sis. Gloria’s mom. Pray comfort and peace in the hearts of children of these mothers. Pray for Min. Taylor and her family Peace and comfort in the hearts of Sis. Amy, Min. Werb, Min. McGlone, Sis. Jasmine Pray unity in Christ for everyone connected to Ecclesia and Live Oak Pray healing for Kathy, Sis. Louvonia and Ursula protect them as they go in and out of the hospital Pray for those who are living with their abusers with no way out. Pray for the hearts of their abusers to be changed Pray the chains of addiction are broken off the women at KentHope Pray for the women at DAWN Pray for the children at Amara Pray for marriages to flourish through Christ Jesus Pray for Ecclesia to be the church Pray our spiritual and physical wellbeing. Pray we remain steadfast to the things of God. Pray those who are still blessed with jobs continue to work as unto the Lord. Give them wisdom, let them be salt and light with all they interact while at work Pray financial stability for those who do not have jobs. Pray for our nation, pray that those who are called by His name truly honor Christ that our hearts are for justice, peace, humility, mercy. Pray that the scales fall off our eyes, pray we do not call evil good or good evil Pray that God delivers our country from evil at every level Pray protection for leaders of our church, leaders who are walking in their calling, pray protection for leaders who hold public office in our country. Pray that I have boldness, courage, discipline, love and wisdom to move forward in the work God has given me to do according to His will, His way, pray that I pursue virtue in every area of my life Pastor - Continued strength, direction and favor in the Lord. Salvation for his children. God's help and provisions always. Kenneth Jr - Deliverance and made whole, Salvation, his life restored back to the Lord. Deliver him from homelessness and drugs. That he chooses God. Samantha - Deliverance and made whole from hurt, Salvation for her life. That she chooses God. Mercedes - Deliverance and made whole from hurt, healing for her body. Salvation for her life. That she chooses God. Paytin - That she may know the Lord. Protection and Salvation for her life. Prayer for Andrew, Regina, Randy, Franklin, Mary, Kim, Lakreesha, Jasper and Darrell. God's direction and bring them into the knowledge of God's salvation. Mother - God's continued healing, protection and God's favor. Keep her financially provided for. That I be guided by the Lord when I witness to her. Prayer for all Ecclesia members that their families, friends and loved ones be restored in body, mind and spirit. That God would heal their land and bodies. God would dry those that cry and give justice to those that have no voice. Salvation to their family members and friends. Peace on every side. Rev. Leigh - God's wisdom and understanding, That I would be full of the Holy Ghost, to help and not be a hindrance to any person. That I trust God with my life and the life of all that are on my heart. Turning over everything to God in prayer and heart. Amen Please pray for my niece Ursula. Pray for all Christians around the world Pray for President Trump and family To share the gospel with others as the Lord guides and leads Sis Louvonis Pray for my house to open up soon Pray for Pastor and family Pray for all my church family and their family Pray for my daughter Winnona that she will open up her yes about her husband Pray that I put God first at all times Sis. Danicka Please pray for the following: Pastor and his children; Rev Judy and family; Rev Leigh and her family; Sis Jeanne and her family; Sis Edna and her brothers and all those she is connected to, Pray for healing for Sis Lovonia's foot and upcoming surgery, her housing and healing for her daughter Ursula and son in law Quentin, pray for our Deacon to be healed in Jesus's name and pray for his son; pray for Sis Alice and her family; Min Taylor and her family: pray for all Live Oak members; pray for our world, the leadership and those that have the virus, pray for those who are homeless because of the pandemic: pray for unsaved loved ones: full deliverance for Mikaela and Ken jr: Pray for Kamrin's, Malachi's, Termaine’s and my schooling give us guidance and bind the spirit of laziness; Monique's guidance about school, career, driving and housing, pray for Starla's health and her kids; pray for my mom's diet, give her wisdom and discernment about decision, pray that God give us wisdom about the house; Pray that I make right decisions about food and health Pray those who are impacted by storm in Louisiana and can't afford to evacuate. Pray for all Christians around the world to be united in prayer! In Jesus name, Amen Sis. Jeanne Pray for Ecclesia members and families to continue to be covered and protected during this Covid pandemic. Pray that their faith increases in God and that they focus on Kingdom building and invite people to church. That Ecclesia redeems the time that God has given us. Pray that chains are broken for those who have anxiety, depression or lack of self confidence. Pray for Pastor that God continues to provide, protect, and uses and guides him for the work of the Lord. That opportunity arises for him to minister to those in need. Pray for Termaine and his friends, Malachi, Cameron and Paityn that they can excel in distant learning thru technology and that they have supportive teachers and tutors readily available. Pray for Ecclesia members that God gives them the ability to be able to purchase a vehicle or get a drivers license. Pray that God continues to heal and protect my mom and salvation for unsaved loved ones. Pray for my nephew. Pray for my job that my position is reclassified to a higher level. Pray for my supervisor. Pray for me continued peace in my life and to fully trust in God. Pray for the upcoming election. Pray that God provides me opportunity to witness to others and be confident in witnessing and those that are being witnessed to receive Christ. Pray for the homeless that they have the resources they need as winter approaches. Pray for those with mental illness that they get the services they need. Pray for the sick that they are healed and pray for those in prison. Sis. Alyce Please pray for my mom Pat Smith she has to have a second heart surgery Bro. Termaine Please pray for my mom, sisters and brother, prayer for the homeless, those in prison, the addicted prayer for spiritual growth Prayer for the Parnell family deliverance. Prayer for Vornita strength and prayer for Karen.
I will pray 10 people are praying.
Jason & Salvation
posted by: AEG on 6/26/2020

Please, pray that Jason & family would recognize Jesus loves them and trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
I will pray 11 people are praying.
prayer for Ecclesia
posted by: Art Done on 3/26/2020

Please pray continually for sister Leigh who has been called to preach and the enemy is mad. Prayer for her protection, and wisdom, as her immediate job supervisor is tormenting her and trying to set her up. Prayer for all her kids to be in church and saved in Jesus Name. Also pray for her job security, financially stability, her boss is really unfair and demonic. The Devil is a liar, she is a strong Christian woman. Pray for her finance and ordination studies. Prayer for Deacon Bo healing an deliverance. Prayer for Sister Jeanne favor on her job peace and deliverance from every vexing spirit in Jesus name. Prayer for Martina to be whole and every need met, for God’s hand to be upon her life in Jesus Name. Prayer for Benaya for his finances. Prayer for Reverend Judy's Job and father and mother. Special prayer for Mother Turner health and wisdom. Please add our brother Royce and his family, to your churches prayer. He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given hm. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the enemy against his family and friends. Prayer that the eyes of his understanding be open in Jesus Name. Prayer that every fruit of the spirit be in and a part of this brother s life, and he would be enriched with many gifts from God for ministry" .But most of all he needs a house a place to call his own in Jesus Name! Please also pray for Royce to be able to save and do what he needs to do as he enters into the winter of his life. Also prayer for minister Taylor for favor mercy blessings and God's hand to deliver her from every demonic scheme and plot of the enemy in Jesus Name! Prayer for Kenny Jr, Isaiah, and Jacob, to be delivered from every demonic addiction and chain. Prayer for brother Termaine's school that has a lot of wayward youngsters and violence. Also prayer for Termaine to be protected in every way and grow in the Lord. Prayer for Rev Judy peace and strength. Prayer for Ecclesia Church all the Pastors, Ministers, leaders, members of the congregation and their families that all yokes would be destroyed and healing would manifest in individuals, minds, bodies, emotions, finances, employment, and housing situations. Also prayers for church growth in every way. Please prayer for Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene in your prayers. May you petition God that He would help them to make disciples for Jesus and to be His hands to be upon them. Pray a Special Prayer for Ecclesia Church to grow in obedience, numerically, spiritually, and financially, in Jesus Name. Prayer that every outside chain, or evil force, to be broken and cast back to the pit of hell. Prayer for any missing members lost sheep to return in Jesus name! Most of all that the Missio Dei would be accomplished! Covering for sister Edna, Brother Bo, Sister Jeanne, Sister Leigh, Sister Danicka, Sister Monique, Prayer for Brother Curtis for every chain and addiction to be broken in Jesus Name. A prayer of covering for the pastors and their wives in Jesus Name. Prayer for both church members to be 100% tithers. Prayer for Sister Edna's job and for deliverance from a difficult co-worker in Jesus Name. Special prayer for Samantha to get saved and get into a church in Jesus name. Prayer for a need PA System and Van also and better a building situation. Prayer for Kenneth Jr, Royce Jr, Samantha, Paytin and Mercedes, Ayesha, William, Jiesharae, Chelsea, Alexa, Darrin, Adam, to all be saved in Jesus Name. Prayer for Quentin healing in his body. Healing for Deacon Bo. Prayer for Minister Leigh’s supervisor to stop tormenting her and mistreating her in Jesus Name!~ Prayer for Michelle Hadley as she is in a fight against cancer, she needs healing. Special Prayer for Sister Lavonnis who is looking for and seeking employment that God would give her the right job and right fit. Prayer for Ecclesia Church stability and growth in every way in Jesus Name! Special Prayer for Termaine God's hand upon his life. Pray for Ecclesia to obtain it's own building paid for in Jesus Name! Special Prayer for Martinia for peace and for her to see who loves her and for a healthy future marriage. Prayer for Demetra as she is continuing in sobriety and seeking God. Prayer for Ecclesia Church to get the funds for their own building to take to Gospel to the world. Prayer for Renee who is struggling with cancer. Special prayer for Whitney Fuller, Darlene, Marshae in Jesus Name. Special Prayer for Pastor Rich Abbott as he travels to Europe, safety and protection. Monica, Connie and Lonnie restoration and peace Trina and Alex wholeness in every way traveling grace and mercy LaDonna continued sobriety deliverance for her children protection for her grandchildren Robin restoration of relationship with her daughter Tim employment and strength for the journey Carmen emotional and financial stability restore and preserve her family. Healing for Sophie. Special prayer for Achillia for more faith. Prayer for Robin and LaDonna for housing and healing and restoration. Prayer for Deacon Bo who is in the hospital right now. Prayer for Brother Hampton who recently had surgery. Prayer for Dr. Edward Jone upcoming surgery. Prayer for Kathy Upcoming surgery. Sister Sandra traveling grace. Prayer for Christy Seinfert healing in Jesus Name! Prayer for first lady Regina for a new job, prayer for sister Jojo a new job. Prayer for Brother Hampton continued healing. Prayer for sister Pat Williams healing. Special Prayer for Termaine traveling grace in Jesus Name! Prayer for Jamie Wright Deliverance every chain broken. Prayer for God's Mercy & Help Regarding The Coronavirus outbreak! Prayer for Ecclesia Church and Live Oak to be protected as they do outreach and win souls. Prayer for Rev Judy's Finance, Rev Leigh, Sister Jeanne, Sister Edna, Minister Taylor, Sister Lavonnis, Sister Danica and for all of them to be spared from the Pandemic. Special Prayer for Angela Mathis healing and a favorable doctors report in Jesus name! Prayer for Kenneth Jr to get his life together. Prayer for Rev Leigh to allow Her son to grow up. Prayer for Sister Edna and her family to be safe. Prayer for The Saints and World To Ge protected From The Coronavirus. Prayer for Monique and her Coronavirus test mercy. Prayer for protection for Sister Danicaka & Termaine in Jesus Name! Prayer for Banu who had been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Special Prayer for Sister Edna who is using public transit and still going to work, praying God's protection upon her in every way possible. Special prayer for Autumnn Rice healing in her body in Jesus Name!
I will pray 13 people are praying.
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